A new journal, a new pen

My counselor,
her name is Marcela,
assigned homework for me
during my last therapy session.
She said I had to go out
buy a notebook of visual appeal
alongside a high-grade pen.

The idea was to stimulate my creativity
with a notebook I liked to look at
and a pen I liked to write with
to make the experience enjoyable and enticing
to draw me in
to create for the sake of creating
to help me re-connect with this part of me
that, at times, seems to be fading.

one day after work I went to the bookstore.
I looked for a journal to catch my eye.
Funny how, at the same time,
my mind automatically eliminated some
because they looked too expensive.
I would find one that looked pretty
but my mind would convince me it wasn’t right
because of the size
because of the binding
because of the line spacing
because of the ‘fanciness’
because of the price.
If any journal held these qualities too well,
I told myself,
I would feel inherent pressure
to create content of high esteem, high value,
worthy enough to live between its covers
thereby creating more pressure
and likely, shying away from
scribbling out thoughts
for the mere purpose of releasing them.

What should have been instinctual
and taken seconds
took me minutes and minutes
standing in front of the journals
wrestling with my mind.

At last, I landed on this one.
Different than any I’ve had before
a thought-provoking cover
and on sale.

I chose a package of pens
I knew I would like
even though I could clearly see
the dozens of unused, good-enough pens
waiting at home.

A new journal
a new pen
starting a new journey
while I was away from home
in the mountains
looking for a reset
seemed fitting.
Connecting the stars within me
into constellations
bringing me back to myself
one page at a time
ink and words flowing.

drops of red wine

You taste so good
manipulating my brain chemistry
to make me miserable,
Despite strawberry, vanilla and chocolate notes
the skull on your label
paints the real picture,
not the words.

Cutting down to my bones
no skin to hide behind
I see old wounds still bleeding,
longing for care.
I forgot they were there,
I cannot see them without you.
Still, they bleed,
drops of red wine.

planning this attack

I saw you coming, but you still snuck
up on me,
bringing more strength, brutal force
than I anticipated,
than I could prepare for.
You must have been planning this attack
for weeks,
just when I thought you were gone
you not-so-kindly reminded me
that you’re still here,
you’re never going away
and you will certainly be back.

That’s how you like it, isn’t it?
To study, stalk and unleash on your prey,
when I least expect,
when I am least prepared.

your destructive methods require some fine-tuning,
for each time I get stronger,
better, more attune to you.
You won’t have the upper hand forever.

cloaked deceptions

To daydream of change
yet cower at the face of
real-time opportunity for such
casts a spotlight on the answer
you knew all along.
You cannot fool the heart
when its true desires are known.
Rather, cast doubt upon
the mind’s meanderings
for that is where
the cloaked deceptions reside.

We are all

Let go of the self-deprecating beliefs
that make you feel inadequate,
small or unworthy.
They do not speak the truth.
Why place people on a pedestal
when you’re unwilling
to place yourself on one, too?
We are all the same.
We are all learning
and growing
and we can do that together.


rest your fingers upon the keys
hold the pen in your hand, tip pressed down to paper
un-focus your eyes and let the world become blurry
mute the clamoring voices inside your head
relax the muscles from neck down to toes
swallow insecurities, fears and doubts


Where the dry, humid, sweat-provoking
heat once rested upon my skin,
a new, cool air rests instead,
dancing along the hairs extended
from their follicular homes.
The world feels different;
calm, soft,
gently braving us for the changes
waiting ahead.
Night lives longer
trees change color
the sun rests more.
The world shifts
as do I
to enter the warm, welcoming embrace
of September.